The arrowhead shaped CCCP logo was the first Soviet space patch that was publicly seen. It was worn on the protective layer of the Berkut spacesuit on March 18, 1965, by Alexei Leonov during his famous spacewalk outside Voskhod-2. (His crewmate Pavel Beljayev was also wearing it on his Berkut). We assume the Soviets knew that pictures of Leonov outside his spaceship would be published all over the world. American astronauts were wearing fancy NASA-meatball patches on their suits; the CCCP-patch was probably meant as a Soviet counterpart. Since personalized designs were not encouraged by the Soviet system, the patch probably represented the Zvezda factory who had built the Berkut-suit. We will therefore refer to it as the Zvezda 'Rocket'
Left, center: The Zvezda 'Rocket' seen on the Berkut-suit of Alexei Leonov in March 1965. Right: The patch photographed in the Zevzda museum by Novosti Kosmonavtiki's Igor Marinin.
The patch seemed to be connected to Zvezda-built suits at first: the next time the patch showed up, was during the Soyuz-4/Soyuz-5 EVA on January 16, 1969, during which Alexei Eliseev and Yuri Khrunov 'walked' from Soyuz-5 to Soyuz-4. The cosmonauts were wearing the patch on the outer layer of their Yastreb-suit, again built by Zvezda.
Left: The Zvezda 'Rocket' seen on the Yastreb-suit of Alexei Eliseev in January 1969. Center: Alexei Leonov wearing the patch on a pre-Sokol flightsuit during Soyuz training. Right: A picture of the Soyuz-11 back-up crew (became prime crew) training for their mission.
After Soyuz-5, the patch was seen on the training and flightsuits of the Soyuz-11/Salyut-1 crew in 1971. No other crew had worn the patch before on such clothing. A possible explaination is that Alexei Leonov - together with Valeri Kubasov and Pjotr Kolodin - was one of the three original crewmembers for the Soyuz-11 mission. Had doctors not discovered a spot on Kubasov's lungs, which they feared was tuberculosis but which turned out to be an alergic reaction, he and Leonov would have flown the mission. Most probably, Leonov had adopted the patch as the personal logo for himself and the rest of the Soyuz-11 crew, including the back-up team of Viktor Patsayev, Georgi Dobrovolsky and Vladislav Volkov that ultimaltely flew. The patch was present on the suits that were worn during launch and entry. The Soyuz-11 mission ended in disaster, when the cabin lost pressure during the landing phase. The crew actually died with the patch on their shoulders.
Left: The patch was worn on the launch/landing suits by the Soyuz-11 crew. Center: One of the Soyuz-11 crewmen wearing his launch/entry suit with the patch aboard Salyut-1. Right: One of the (dead) Soyuz-11 cosmonauts is receiving medical aid. The three men died with the Zvezda 'Rocket' on their arms.
Following Soyuz-11, the patch was not worn again on actual flight suits. No spacewalks were made by Soviet cosmonauts for a long time, so no Zvezda-built suits (apart from the 'Sokol' and 'Penguin' suits, who had their own Zvezda-logo - the 'Early Zvezda') were used. The patch was visible again during Apollo Soyuz Test project (ASTP)-training in 1974 / 1975, again an Alexei Leonov-mission. It was present next to the standard Vimpel 'Diamond' on the TK-2 training suits of the prime-, back-up- and support cosmonauts (Alexei Leonov, Valery Kubasov, Anatoli Filipchenko, Nikolai Rukavishnikov, Yuri Romanenko, Alexander Ivanchenkov, Vladimir Dzhanibekov and Boris Andreyev) but the crew (Leonov, Kubasov) did not wear the Zvezda 'Rocket' on their actual in-flight suits. Probably, the Soviets wanted to keep up with the amount of patches the Americans would wear during training, which got a lot of media attention. During training for their later Salyut missions, Dzhanibekov and Romanenko were still wearing their ASTP TK-2 training suits, including the Zvezda 'Rocket'.
Left: Leonov wearing the patch on his TK-2 during ASTP training. Center: Yuri Romanenko (one of the ASTP support crewmembers) wearing the patch on his TK-2 during training for his Salyut-6 mission. Right: Dzhanibekov, also involved in the ASTP-mission, could also been seen wearing the patch on his TK-2 during Interkosmos-training.